
The Loose Association is a photoblog.

Two ingredients:

A photo.

And a ramble.

Loosely associate.


February 2006
October 2006



Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License.

05 February 2006

spools 013

From my Aunt Millie's house, my Mom brought home this huge plastic jug -- think giant dill pickle jar -- full of spools of thread. Many of them are wooden spools, which aren't made any more. In a sudden bout of inspiration, I took about thirty pictures of the conglomeration, which gave me several moments to think on the antiquities that I was seeing. See the right bottom-most spool in this photo? The Coats and Clark spool? I was obsessed with getting focused shot of it. This is about as close as I came.

On my way back to Murray, I started scheming up a bundle of projects, as if I need more. And this photoblog was one of them. The other was to take matters into my own hands and make the purse I've been wanting to buy. So I stopped at the nearest exit with a WalMart and raided the fabrics and crafts section. And because I haven't yet inherited the lumbering jug of thread, I bought my own. Two plastic spools of Coats and Clark thread, now under the name of just Coats. $1.97 each. That's a far cry from the large spool that I found whose sticker read with an enclosing sunburst graphic, "5 for $1.00!"