
The Loose Association is a photoblog.

Two ingredients:

A photo.

And a ramble.

Loosely associate.


February 2006
October 2006



Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License.

24 February 2006

burlap 004


I think BarbCobb talked about this in humanities class once. Something about life being like a cloth, a weaving. And we are the threads. We are dependent on each other, and if one thread is pulled out, the whole thing unravels.

I'm not sure she made that analogy. But I wonder.

Are we the sum of our experiences? How different would we be if someone was missing from our lives? How different would the lives of others be without us? It seems easy to think that we are individuals on clean, linear A-B trajectories. But we're not, I don't think. We are all enmeshed in one other somehow. And I don't think it is as simple as the choose-your-own-adventure books, as if our path is determined by choices and experiences traced along a fractal diagram.

I think it's more like a woven tapestry -- more complex and beautiful than we think.